"Mechanisms" series
Human analysis has reached such a scale that the original descendant of monkeys, a primate gone mad, carried away by his own magic theatre, began to completely deny his animal nature. He enclosed his God in the concept of faith, and gave his Devil the most unimaginable gift — knowledge.

Those who armed with knowledge, understanding and logic can realise that man is a terrible creature-machine. And his structure is a complex mechanism, prone to self-copying, showing its automatically tuned feelings and emotions more often than each of us thinks.
The term “mechanism” appeared in the 17th century. The organized functioning of a mechanism is responsible for one or more phenomena.

Thus, in our Universe, everything is interconnected and represents a single organism. They are mechanisms, they tell us where we came from and where we will go and how we are interconnected with each other. They appeal to our deep, biological memories. And we seem to immerse ourselves in our biological memories. These are our baby photos eight months before we were born. Intrastructural postcards. Do you want to know what your DNA chains look like, look at your genetic code?

There are no mechanisms in nature that are equal to a person in the degree of his madness. And therefore they need to be created. They need to be shown to the viewer. The vessels inside the body already appear in our consciousness as the most durable mechanism of tubes that nature could have invented for our body. Do you see how they continue to drive blood through the body with uneven pushes - foaming and unwilling to stop its flow? At the first inspection, the inner world of a person immediately acquires its most real features. We all touch each other at one end or another... for a long time, or maybe even for a moment.

A person is a perishable machine with consciousness. He has everything a machine is supposed to have. Death is contained within him, nesting in the forced wear of one or more parts. When this breakdown will occur, we do not know. But do not be afraid - there is a certain car service that changes tubes, motors and valves for a person. Then the functioning will continue. For some time. Until the oil clogs the next adapter. That is why the fragment
of the creation of our today's "hero" displayed in this series "Mechanisms" surprise and delight us so much. Man is not afraid of fantasies, he is afraid of the realism that is added to these fantasies. Recognition of one's own features occurs in the complex structure, the obvious "technological", "human" side always attracts the eye and makes you linger near the canvases of the series of paintings "Mechanisms" ... The pistons move rhythmically. The programmed program is executed. The goal is achieved.
And this image — an alloy of the living and the non-living — will give birth to all that diverse splendor of which our whole life consists.